Life lessons from The Sun
It can be easy, with such a positive card as the Sun to just smile and say "fantastic". Which is a shame as there are some amazing tips in this card to ensure your success- in love, a project, creativity, business, or simply life.
Let's look at some symbols

The wall
I love walls in the Tarot, from a Norse perspective they create a "garth" a garden, linking it to paradise & the Garden of Eden.
A garden is a sacred space where you can feel safe & at ease. Able to play, to make mistakes, and try again. A feeling of being protected & nurtured.
As children, hopefully, this sense of protective nurturing comes from parents who hug their crying child and say "never mind, try again". As adults maybe this reassurance comes from friends, a partner, or within ourselves.
In life & business, step by step, I have made mistakes, had failures, tried things that I will not be repeating.
It may be a cliche, but I firmly believe that to learn, or achieve, anything mistakes must be made. Failures experienced. The Sun reminds me that it is O.K to fail, to just pick myself up and try again, learning all the way.
The Red Flag
What a sign of vibrancy, life, and vitality.
Again I am drawn back to my Norse roots to think of our trickster God Loki. He is associated with the red blood that brings passion, lust, and fun to life. Life would be a pale & joyless experience with out Loki to add colour!
The red flag reminds me that a little fun & excitement makes life all the more worth living.
In life & business it reminds me that if I am passionate it will shine through.
The Sunflowers
Sunflowers, to some degree, demonstrate heliotropism. Younger flowers & the leaves track the movement of the sun in the sky.
This tells me in life (similar to the star card- and after all, our sun is a star!) fix your sights on your dream when you wake up, through out the day, and again when you go to sleep.
In life & business- when I am doing the bits I dislike (website updating, accounts, organizing paperwork) I remind myself that the business basics allow me a smooth running business to spend more time doing what I love- the reading, writing, research, teaching.
Even when I am doing the drudge work I keep my eye on the bigger picture.
The Sun
Notice the Suns rays- "wibbly" & "straight".
Integration & balance. Success is created when our inner life & outer life (our thoughts & actions if you like) work together.
Another link to the Star card (as I said, our sun is a star) where she pours half the water into the water (inner journey) & half the water onto the earth (outer journey)
In life & business- neither positive thoughts, nor frantic action will create success. The both have to be balanced and working together.
I love the Sun card, and when I get it for myself in a reading I always do a mental of check of those key symbols.
Tarot is a wonderful tool for prediction, but it is also an empowering tool- with the keys to success present in each and every card.
I love writing & teaching the Tarot. You can find out more about my books & online courses here;