Terrible tarot readings
I know we all say that there are no “bad” cards. But lets be honest, there are certain tarot card combinations that are just down right terrible.
How about this one I did for myself this week. I am only human, I gave a shudder. I looked at the card at the bottom of the pack for some reassurance- and got everyone’s favourite the Tower.

The good news-well at least the 5 of pentacles isn’t there!
So what to do when you do a reading is simply downright terrible?
#1 Breath. Look at the reading, consider the cards, face the horror. Write your question down and take the time to really look at the reading. Look for key symbols or meanings that are repeated across the spread- the key message the cards want you to know.
Nothing will be gained by shuffling these cards back and ignoring their message!
If you don’t have the time take a photo.
If you can’t face your own mind racing with terrible thoughts- take a photo and come back to the reading when you are in a better state of mind.
In this case my question was about finances and money. The whole spread may have a dark feel- but it is dominated by swords- which is the mind not money. And with the Devil at the centre this is about self sabotage, restricting myself.
I can’t help noticing how the 9 of swords, devil, 10 of wands & 8 of swords are all about not seeing, not looking. That seems to be the common theme across the spread.
What am I am not seeing, refusing to look at? The answer is in my question- Accounting, budgeting, setting prices etc etc. I do not like looking at the money side of my work. With the devil & 8 of swords it would be right to assume this is linked with self sabotage & lack of self esteem (oh joy)
Once you have managed to start to read your disastrous spread, now you are ready to use #2 clarity cards. I like to leave the original spread out (it stops those cards being repeated!) reshuffle the rest of the deck, and lay down three cards. These are not predication cards (hey we’ve had enough of that!) These are advice cards.
There is always wriggle room in a tarot reading.
There is always a way to use the information to improve your situation.
So- I look at my 3 clarity cards and it is great advice;
8 of pentacles- get on with my business skills, budgeting & accounts. Get lost in the pleasure of seeing things orderly (!)
4 of swords- expect to process the emotional root of why I don’t like dealing with money.
Strength- on the surface this can be facing my fears, but on a deeper level this is shadow work, which is to me shaman healing, so I will be booking myself an appointment with my shaman healer.
#3 Take your time & create an action plan.
When I first saw this spread I really did think in a selection of swear words. But having taken the time to reflect, draw clarity cards, and consider the truth in the cards I am feeling a lot calmer.
I have written in the diary when I will do my accounts, and am starting to plan how I will keep on top of them.
The cards are only reflecting what is there, and having a clear plan has helped me face something that really needed facing.
#4 And if you read tarot for others....be prepared for how you will deal with a reading just like this for a client! It can send a client into a sate of shock, desperation, tears or anger.
I firmly believe as a tarot reader it is my job to ensure a client finds some guidance and help- even form the darkest of readings- you can read about the darkest reading I had for a client here
Now should I clean the kitchen, or go through my accounts?