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What happens in my Pagan Circle in the Old barns?

I thought I'd share what happens in my Pagan Circle, in the Old Barns, Rose Hill.

What is the Pagan Circle?

It is a space to come together, and to connect with source.

What is Source? Well that depends on your world view.

  • Your own higher guidance, or unconscious.

  • Spirit guides, power animals, angels, gods & goddesses from your chosen path.

  • "Divine" whether you have a name for the divine, or think of it as a universal energy.

Why Connect with Source?

Well there are various reasons, and for many people it is a blend of these reasons.

#1 Gentle healing in a high energy scared space. It is amazing how the healing happens when you pause, focus on your breath, and deeply relax.

I have had some people say they feel their guides standing with them offering healing. Others simply find the deep relaxation is healing.

However you feel you receive this healing, it is a common feedback from people that come. As for myself- I often arrive quite exhausted after a busy day, and leave feeling energised yet calm- which is exactly the sort of healing I most need!

#2 Space to hear yourself. Life for most of us is busy, busy, busy. It can just be responding to one crisis after another!

Spending time gently connecting to source is a powerful way to still your left brain (that chattery part of yourself that is always worried about something) & hear your right brain --or heart space/intuition- really clearly.

You know how your best ideas come when you are calm, yet focused? That is what happens- and there is space for you to set your own intentions too. So if need to find the answer to a problem, this is a great space to do it!

#3 Your own spiritual practise. I love the phrase spiritual practise;

"perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it" ,

it is the word practise that is the clue. You can't attend a weekend workshop & expect to be "done" (sorry, but it is true). This group is space for people seeking to understand, explore, and develop their spiritual practice. It is an open group, we may well come from different paths. That is in fact a blessing, we have so much to learn together.

So what actually happens?

It is very simple, and often we follow a similar session. This is slow shamanism, gently connecting. The season does make a difference- and for me being at the barns iin the dark, and the snow, or the bright late sunlight really helps me to connect with the seasons & the pagan 8 fold year.

  • I start by opening sacred space, asking the spirits of place if we may be there. Asking spirit guides to come close. Then I lead a gentle breathing exercise to help you centre yourself and be present.

  • We chant, this is actually called Seidr & is a Nordic way of connecting.

The chant we use is Norn-a-Norn, and it is calling your own guides to stand close to you.

The chant is different every time, sometimes we all chant in unison. Other times the chant changes, rippling round as people find their own tune. Sometimes it is so quiet, and hardly lasts at all, the drum takes over and people seem to drift. Other times the chant swells, fills the barn, lasts for so long.

The chant raises the energy of the group. people often feel the energy swirling around, healers may well feel their hands are hot, others may journey, or see & hear things. You may simply loose yourself in the chant, and enjoy the connection of chanting in a group.

If chanting puts you off, don't worry, the drum takes up the chant and there is no expectation to join in unless it feels right for you.

  • I take you an a led meditation. Where & why will depend upon the season, the feel of the group, the focus on that day.

We usually have a shared intent (perhaps to connect with sky energy, to meet an ancestor or seed a dream) There is always space for you to set a personal intention too.

This is traditionally called path working. Basically I lead you to a space in the dream world, then drum for you to allow you to journey as you need to. In time I will call you back, and then lead you gently back to full consciousness.

  • There is time to share, discuss, ask questions. It is amazing the wisdom a group can share in this high energy space. Often the intuition flows, and as a group we can help each other. There is never any need to share- sometimes it is very personal.

  • There is a space here for something relevant to the season, or the group. We might write things down & burn them to release them. We might do some aura work, group healing, colour visualizations, or connect with the akashic records. Sometimes the chant & journey take all our time.

  • Then we have final chant, the energies are often different. people may find answers they need, or just feel the full beauty of the raised energy & chanting in a group.

  • Finally I close sacred space. I offer any energy we have raised, first for healing of people within the group, then for healing & peace where ever it is needed. In these current times of difficulty I have started to end the session with a prayer for peace, it is I think much needed.

The group is open to all- men & woman, experienced shamans & people unsure what "shaman" or pagan even is.

All paths are welcome, whether you are Pagan or Heathen, or more connected with energy healing and Reiki. I think the world needs spiritual places whether we can come together, not more division due to names we use to describe ourselves.

The group works mostly sitting on chairs, there is sometimes a chance to lie down on yoga mats. There is free parking & loos, and we mostly work indoors- though you may want to bring a blanket as it can get chill.

You are welcome from 7pm, we start at 7.30 7 finish about 9. The charge is £10, and there is no need to book your place.

We meet on the first Wednesday of the month- anyone is welcome.

On the third Wednesday of the month I hold a closed circle, simply so that people can get used to working with a group where we all know each other & a level of trust can develop. If you'd like to come to this group- please ask. I need to have worked with you, and ask that you try to attend as many sessions as possible- to allow the trust to grow.

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