Journeying to work with Frigg
I have long resisted teaching a “rune-lore curriculum” because I am very aware that my experience of certain runes is far deeper than...

Tarot for difficult days- the 3 of swords
I have a genuine fondness for the 3 of swords. I find the image a really satisfying one, and exploring the imagery with a client is a...

Tarot for difficult days… The 2 of swords
Wen I’m having a bad day I often reach for my tarot deck for a little comfort and guidance. But it is all too easy to get lost in anxiety...

Rune chants to heal the chakras....
When I do shamanic healing for clients using chanting (or Lokk-Seidr) via Zoom I often use particular rune sounds to clear each of the...

Stepping away from Burn Out...
I work full time as a Tarot reader and shaman, and my working hours can be long. Clients often ask if I find my work draining or...

Balanced between the 8 and 10 of wands, burnout.
I love the story between the cards, and the story within each of the suits can tell us so much about the individual cards. Recently I...

“That Bloody book”
I took a break from blogs with the idea that I would “collate my notes” to write and publish a book on Tarot. It started well, early...

The only type of reading I will never touch.
I recently taught a zoom session on Tarot Taboo topics, those topics so many people say “shouldn’t” be read for. Health, money, legal,...

On working with Vidar
As a seidrkona (using chant/a lokk to connect with the Norse deities) I have tended to stick with those deities I work well with (mostly...

Odin and the magical suit of swords
My working day is spent in one of two ways- shuffling and reading Tarot cards, or working with the Norse pantheon as a Seidrkona (roughly...

Using tarot for effective planning.
One of the first things I often tell clients is “the future is not fixed, but our minds often are. Think of tarot as a living map-...

Tarot and the black poles...
The one thing I always tell my students when learning to read tarot is “look at the cards”. Before you speak, write, pick up a book or...

The unfathomable nature of water
Over the month of May I connected with water through a series of group shamanic journeys, and this blog shares some of the experiences...

Tarot questions I don’t answer…
Really there has only been one- though I will explain the ways I side-stepped many others- but I did once receive an email question...

What is a rune- and how to understand them.
As I step forward more into teaching the rune-lore that underpins my beloved seidr work I find I am being asked questions that I...