Psychic developement
One of the fantastic things about Tarot is the variety of ways it can be read, this blog focuses on psychic development. Psychic...
Why I work with the Younger Futhark
The simplest answer is because it was how I was taught. I was never that interested in the runes- but I did want to find a...
Finally happy with my book
It’s easy to imagine writers taking long breaks from life, diving deep into their writing on sunny afternoons. My book was sandwiched...
Avoiding burnout as a Tarot pro.
As I nurse a cranky throat, following an eye infection I thought this might be a useful blog to write for myself! There are so many...
It's important to talk about Death.
There is only one certainty in life, and it is not taxes, it is physical death. We will all lose loved ones, friends, or colleagues to...
My journey to expereince Jord
In my mind I’d always made a lazy connection between Jord- Earth and “Mother Earth”. Modern life means when I think of the word “Earth” I...
Finding your Tarot “U.S.P”
I remember before I started teaching Tarot the yawning gape of potential…how should I do this? At first I was tempted to teach as I was...
My "win-win" solution in a Tarot reading
Many of my clients approach me with a hoped for goal they want clarity on: “When will she come back to me?” “Will I get my promotion this...
Sometimes you just aren’t meant to know.
About a year before my marriage ended I felt something was coming. I realised my husband was becoming more irrational, acting in...
Working with Thor
I wasn’t overly excited to work with Thor. I rather like Hel, and Loki and Frey. To a large degree I was working with Thor to give me a...
Seeing yourself in the cards...
Reading Tarot is a complex art- it blends knowing the cards, often intuitive or psychic skills, with knowing yourself. If you are reading...
A rune a month… (or how I found myself again)
I’ve been holding a lokk-seidr circle for about nine years now. We gather- usually twice a month- to chant (the lokk), and enter an...
Thoughts on power animals/spirit guides.
There are times I wonder if I am a little mad, my spirit guides are as real and important to me as my friends and family. Its as if there...
Learning with Skadi
I work with, and teach a different rune each month. Deeply connecting with the rune and associated deity. When the month rolled around to...
Reading Tarot for others…
Reading for others… Lets be honest, reading for others (especially paying clients) can be a nerve wracking experience. So here are a few...