Self care as a Tarot reader (or finding chess)
I read for myself most days. Usually just a three card "what do I need to know?" But if I feel my mental health dipping, or that I am...

Mindset matters
Booking a shamanic healing, or Tarot reading, with me can be transformative and deeply healing. But its when you change your mindset that...

What can go wrong with Tarot?
(secret answer…lots!) Focusing on reading for yourself rather than as a professional. The easiest thing to go wrong with Tarot is you...

How to read Tarot for yourself (and why I think it is so important)
It can be easier to read for others than ourselves. I it is too easy to look at the cards and see what we expect to see, rather than...

Questions I think every Tarot reader needs to ponder
Where does the information come from? I’m not saying I have THE definitive answer for this- there are plenty of different ways to explain...

Tarot, Timing, and natural cycles
Maybe instead of asking “when will it happen” it would be helpful to work with the cycles in your life- and use the Tarot to work with...

My five favourite ways to use Tarot for myself
#1 When my mind is totally blocked. I often say to clients “the future isn’t fixed, but often our minds are”. I’m sure we all get to...

A "Tarot check in"
Each of us create slightly different Tarot businesses, offering a slightly different service based on how we read, and how we...

My "win-win" solution in a Tarot reading
Many of my clients approach me with a hoped for goal they want clarity on: “When will she come back to me?” “Will I get my promotion this...

Sometimes you just aren’t meant to know.
About a year before my marriage ended I felt something was coming. I realised my husband was becoming more irrational, acting in...

Seeing yourself in the cards...
Reading Tarot is a complex art- it blends knowing the cards, often intuitive or psychic skills, with knowing yourself. If you are reading...

What is the most important moment of a Tarot reading?
I always thought the most important moment of a Tarot reading was the splitting of the deck. After shuffling I split the deck - as a...

Stepping away from Burn Out...
I work full time as a Tarot reader and shaman, and my working hours can be long. Clients often ask if I find my work draining or...

When Tarot predicts trouble ahead.
In January this year I lead a workshop where everyone did a month by month reading for the year ahead. I demonstrated by reading for...