Exploring numerology, life, and Tarot
Working with Tarot I learn so much about life’s lessons. This blog is my take on what I have learnt about numerology from the...

Experiencing the landscape of the runes in Bodo
After basing my life on the Younger Futhark runes, and the Norse pantheon I have finally managed a trip to Norway. We arrived (I...

Why I work with the Younger Futhark
The simplest answer is because it was how I was taught. I was never that interested in the runes- but I did want to find a...

My journey to expereince Jord
In my mind I’d always made a lazy connection between Jord- Earth and “Mother Earth”. Modern life means when I think of the word “Earth” I...

Working with Thor
I wasn’t overly excited to work with Thor. I rather like Hel, and Loki and Frey. To a large degree I was working with Thor to give me a...

A rune a month… (or how I found myself again)
I’ve been holding a lokk-seidr circle for about nine years now. We gather- usually twice a month- to chant (the lokk), and enter an...

Learning with Skadi
I work with, and teach a different rune each month. Deeply connecting with the rune and associated deity. When the month rolled around to...

Shamanic journeying in Denmark...
It’s three years since I’ve been able to visit Denmark, and the last time was at a very traumatic point in my life. I seem to find the...

Chanting the elements for healing
I don’t connect the elements to the four quarters as some do, and as yet I haven’t found a personal connection to the element of ice- so...

Which is the most powerful rune?
I had a shaman client today and the session really left me considering how I used the rune sounds to hold the healing... I should point...

Re-claiming Hel, the All Mother.
I’m part way through a month of deep diving into the rune (younger futhark) “rei” and the Goddess Hel. I sat down to explore my...

Journey to Hel
Each month I am deeply connecting to one rune and its associated deity/ies, and November is Hel (and the rune Rei). Hel is one of my...

The weaving of lokk-seidr.
Where "lokk" is a chant, and "seidr" is an altered state of consciousness, similar to a shamanic experience. About 7 years ago a Tarot...

My first meeting of "rage" Loki
So, I am back from my small annual lokk-seidr retreat in the barns, and yet again I am reeling at how deep we went. I plan to write a...

A trouble-some journey with Tyr
Spirit guides are funny things, to me they have as much importance in my life as friends and family. I have taken the time to get to know...