Exploring numerology, life, and Tarot
Working with Tarot I learn so much about life’s lessons. This blog is my take on what I have learnt about numerology from the...

The Norns, time, and Tarot
As I finally commit to teaching an in depth rune-wisdom course I am spending a lot of time reflecting on how I use the runes and Norse...

Do you have a “blocking” card?
I do, and it’s the Moon. Often the moon will crop in a reading linked to fears, shadows, psychic connection, hormones or sleep issues....

Using tarot for effective planning.
One of the first things I often tell clients is “the future is not fixed, but our minds often are. Think of tarot as a living map-...

To read reversals, or not?
When I first started reading Tarot I did read reversals- it helped me to highlight if the energy of a card was “stuck” or to decide which...

How to use Tarot to manifest- a step by step guide.
I have seen several posts recently asking about Tarot & manifestation- I felt drawn to add my thoughts (as I so often do.) There are 4...

Facing the void with Tarot. Who am I?
At the beginning of May I had the joy of attending my annual shaman healer’s retreat. This is run by my two shaman teachers and is for...

Tarot, tears and difficult days.
Life has been tough recently. The everyday stresses of insecure housing, home educating four children, and both of us working long hours...

Life is a blend of inner & outer work.
A Tarot spread is a simple reflection of an utterly complex and diverse world. It can reflect what has been, what could be, what might...

The inspirational way our right brain solves our problems
Lets start with an everyday example-You’ve lost your keys. To start with your left brain (logical & rational) tries to find them- “where...

A Soul Path Tarot spread
One of the fascinating parts of my job is my “Tarot & Tea” group. This is mostly people with a sound, often advanced, knowledge of Tarot...

How to plan using Tarot
Remember planning with tarot is a gentle art- you are not looking for specific “yes” “no” answers. Rather checking in- can I achieve my...

The best way to do a yes/no tarot reading
#1 Decide if the question can be answered (and is best answered) with a yes/no question. I have seem some mightly strange tarot card...

How can tarot predict the future? (and what about fate & free will?)
….”We were in the shed, setting up her old loom. She pointed to the vertical lines of the yarn fixed to the wooden frame. “There are...

How tarot changes the world.
I read for a wide variety of clients. They may be upset, angry, devastated, worried, confused, scared….I am never quite sure what my...