A rune a month… (or how I found myself again)
I’ve been holding a lokk-seidr circle for about nine years now. We gather- usually twice a month- to chant (the lokk), and enter an...

Thoughts on power animals/spirit guides.
There are times I wonder if I am a little mad, my spirit guides are as real and important to me as my friends and family. Its as if there...

Learning with Skadi
I work with, and teach a different rune each month. Deeply connecting with the rune and associated deity. When the month rolled around to...

Reading Tarot for others…
Reading for others… Lets be honest, reading for others (especially paying clients) can be a nerve wracking experience. So here are a few...

Shamanic journeying in Denmark...
It’s three years since I’ve been able to visit Denmark, and the last time was at a very traumatic point in my life. I seem to find the...